Number of registered capital and paid up capital
Ordinary Shares

The ordinary shares of Golden Land Property Development Public Company Limited have been listed and traded in the Stock Exchange of Thailand since March 21, 1994.

As of September 30, 2023, the Company has the registered capital has the issued and paid-up capital of Baht 11,037,670,000 consisting of 2,323,720,000 ordinary shares at a par value of Baht 4.75 per share.


The Company’s shareholders as at the closing date of the share register book on September 7, 2023 were as follows

Name Number of Shares % Total Shares
1. Frasers Property Holdings (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 2,311,705,408 99.48
2. Others 12,014,592 0.52
Total 2,323,720,000 100.00

Remark The Company has submitted the tender offer for all the securities of Golden Land Property Development Public Company Limited (“GOLD”) for delisting of the securities from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) in accordance with the conditional voluntary tender offer as specified in the Regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: Delisting of Securities, 1999. Consequently, the SET announced the delisting of GOLD's common stocks with the last trading date scheduled on 10 August 2020 before the delisting became effective.

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Copyright © 2016, Golden Land Property Development PLC. All Rights Reserved.